Protect Ludibrium Parent : Protect Ludibrium |
Mr. Bouffon |
Location : Ludus Lake |
A mysterious power appeared in Ludibrium, then suddenly disappeared. Chaos ensued. Now is the time to straighten up the screwed-up time of Ludibrium. I'll need to go see Mr. Bouffon, who's at the Path of Time under Ludibrium.
Rewards :
Random Rewards :
- level : "60"
Do you know the source of power that makes Ludibrium run? Well, it's missing, and that's why the time has stopped. We do not know exactly what happened, and many questions are still left unanswered. One thing I'm certain is the fact that I can't do this by myself, so... I have a favor to ask you... can you help me out?
Thanks. Hmmm ... the source of power can be described as the Time Sphere, located at the very bottom of the power generator, but it went missing a while ago. We've sent some people down for investigation, and the answer they gave was... well, we'll have to replace the Time Sphere.
What I'll need are 10 of the energy replacements that may in fact be able to replicate as the source of power of Time Sphere. The monsters around here have turned evil ever since obtaining that power. You will, however, be able to recover that power if you defeat the monsters.
Do you think finding it is hard? Just head downstairs, and kill the monsters that you see. It's that simple.
I met up with Mr. Bouffon at the Path of Time.
I promised him to find a new source of energy that may replace the original Time Sphere, which had been the main source of powerfor Ludibrium.
Rewards :
- exp : "2700"
- money : "3270"
- nextQuest :The Replacement Time Energy
Tachion :-10
Random Rewards :
Tachion x 10
Did you find the item I was talking about? I want to see how it reacts...
Hmm... to see how the reaction goes, I'll need 10 energy replacements. I don't think you have all 10, though. Talk to me once you have all 10 of them with you.
I gathered up enough Tachions and gave them to Mr. Bouffon as a replacement for the Time Sphere. I think he can make a new source of power with #i4031170#.